Saturday, March 5, 2011

Novels - Finished and for Sale

Well, I've finally finished the Mistborn Trilogy and overall...meh.

The first book was great - engaging, fresh, with a magic system I really enjoyed. The second book was just depressing as hell, but that fit with the theme Sanderson had going, so it made sense. I had high hopes for the third book as it started out, but the last fifty pages or so seemed rushed. Just rushed.

I liked some of the twists at the ending - there were a few extremely clever bits - but I have to say I was underwhelmed overall. Despite that, the series was absolutely worth reading - all of it.

In other news, I've published a novel!

Say whaaaaat?

The first novel I sent off was rejected by a mainstream publisher and while I'm proud of the work I did on it I've already moved onto other projects and so I decided to try out the new and exciting world of digital publishing. In the matter of about a day, I was able to get my book set up and released over at Amazon via their Kindle technology.

Now, for $2.99, you can enjoy my first novel streamed directly to your Kindle (should you have one), or directly to your computer with the free Kindle app. I still plan to continue sending work off to mainstream novel publishers but will likely be adding more books to my Kindle collection so check back for more information as I continue on this mad, mad journey.

Want to read my first novel, "Warlock's Word"? Of course you do! Buy it here!

- D

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