Arrow And Flow
Time seems linear, kiddies – but guess what. It ain’t.
I know, I know. You’ve been sold that line since grade school, told that the arrow of time only points one way and that you’d better get on board with that. Hell, it’s not like you have a choice, right?
That’s the common wisdom, and far be it from me to correct all those pundits that have told you one thing or another over the years, but you’re missing out, boys and girls.
It’s not like I can give you step-by-step instructions on how to break the bonds of your self-imposed timeline, but I can at least give you the heads up on what it’s like, on what I see from the other side of the looking glass.
Let’s be clear here, right off of the bat – time doesn’t “flow”, at least not like any river I’ve ever seen. You’ve heard there’s a constant movement forward, an eternal falling to the future, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Once you’re outside of it, you can see that time sets up like the last side on a four-dimensional cube; something that is just another facet of the thing’s existence, not an integral support to its presence. I can pick and choose any physical time and space to set down and it won’t matter. All that BS about “temporal paradoxes” is just that.
You can’t put it in perspective, I know, but your present doesn’t depend on your past, and your future isn’t related to your present. Everything you do has a perceived effect, but only because of memory transmissions and the fact that generally, you’re built that way.
Any of you can break that chain and snap that cycle, but it’s not something you’re going to learn in grade school.
How did I do it? I’m special – and let’s just leave it at that. I’m one of you, for the most part, but let’s just say that my parentage is something that has more than just your DNA as a part of it.
I’ve been gone from the world for a long time and I’ve seen your mistakes, your screw ups and your failures, and I know that you’re all looking for a way out. I’ve got one, but it’s not the one they’re all selling you, not the one you’ve heard about for so long.
I know my name’s been used in vain, and my image is plastered across the nations of the world, many of whom claim they know exactly what I’m talking about and how I’m going to save you all.
They don’t.
Physical saving isn’t what I’m about – I’ve been in the same kind of body you all now occupy – I’m talking about a freedom from the one thing that really bogs you all down.
It’s more than what you think, and less than what it is. You’ve heard the stories of the great serpent, the one who betrayed your predecessors in the garden? Is it any wonder that after his intervention they withered and died, that limits were placed on lengths of their lives?
He whispers in your ears, but you mistake him for a being that lives below, one that drives your compulsions and makes you less than what you are. He is more than that, more than you realize, and less than nothing. He claims to flow by you, around you, wrapping you up in arms that he claims will protect you.
Destruction is his aim, slow and grinding. He will break you down bit by bit and you will let him, allow him to do so because you believe the line he’s repeating, buying the trash he’s selling.
You’re figuring it out now – I see it. Your brains are finally making the connection I’m trying to lay down, and you’re just about there. Reach for it, and I know you’ll get it. Strive, and you’ll find it.
He’s time. Time is him. They’re one and the same – a being more than a force that seeks to convince you of the “truth” by telling you that he’s one you can’t ignore.
You see it, don’t you? Time isn’t the immutable force you’ve always thought it to be, the singular expanse that swims lazily forward. Instead, it’s a creature of malice, one as fragile and tainted as the rest that seeks to convince you of his power.
Like a high gale in a windstorm, he is loud and destructive without the proper protections, a nightmare of epic proportions should you not guard your dreams. Each of you feels it, knows that at the tattered edges of your soul lies the possibility that you could escape the clock, avoid the droning years and move beyond what you’ve been given.
The world is a lie, folks. I said it the first time I touched down and have been saying the same ever since. You weren’t ready on the first go-round, but this time I think you’re up for the challenge. I’m coming back, and soon – and you need to be ready for it. I can’t take slackers where I’m going, and those that choose to stay in the box, keep themselves blinded by the truth can stay where they are, locked into a cycle of spasm and release.
I’m not one to turn anyone away if I can help it. I’ll do my best to break your shackles and get you where you need to be, but you’ve got to take the first step. You’ve got to think about the “time” you know and the devil you don’t, and make that stride.
I’m coming, and soon – consider your options, and consider what I’ve told you. It’s not something easy, it’s not something known, but it is your only way out. Break the cycle, break the flow. Don’t believe what you’ve been told about how the world works – it works the way it should, the way you always thought it did.
Time is the arrow, but I own the bow.
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