Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's Over!

It's finally here - the end.

After three hundred and sixty-five stories and 365,000 words, this blog has run its course. I know I have only a precious few readers, I'm grateful for anyone who took the time to stop by, even for a moment. This exercise often seemed like one of futility, but I can honestly say it's made me a better writer, one more certain of his own creativity and ability to write, consistently, day after day.

It's with some sadness that I stop - these stories have become a part of my life, a part of my routine and though the time they take will be easily replaced with the work of editing my novel, a part of me will always remain here, among the words.

- D

1 comment:

  1. Hey Doug - I was a "late adopter" of your blog - but just wanted to note that I truly enjoyed reading some of your short stories and feel like I should've jumped on this bandwagon sooner. I read a blurb about your book on amazon and can't wait to download it to my iphone kindle and take a peek at it! Sucks that this is over already. :)
