Monday, January 31, 2011

Story #8 Notes

Continuing on with the fantasy themed stories is Story #8 - Riverman. I'm not entirely sure where I got the bright idea for this one; in an effort to keep things fresh on the blog I don't spend a great deal of time every day thinking about just what I'm going to write about. If I happen to come up with a great idea in the morning, fantastic, but if not I just sit down and let my mind wander.

That was essentially where Riverman came from - my bemused wanderings as I sat here at my computer. I knew I wanted to do another fantasy-type story, and I've always been a fan of those stories that have just that little bit of "creepy" to them, that give you a shiver or two when you read through, and something about that combined with the absolutely abysmal temperatures we're experiencing here right now in Western Canada sparked the idea of the Riverman.

For me, the creative process is the fun part of all this but can be maddeningly unreliable. I'll have days of absolutely terrible ideas, followed by a single moment of clarity. Words will sometimes leap from my keyboard as if propelled by a driving force, almost more quickly than my brain can create them, but other times I will stare blankly at my monitor, hands poised to create memorable prose until I realize I've closed my eyes, dreams of best-selling novels and book tours already forming in my addled brain.

Simply put - creativity's a bitch, but you keep coming back because you love her so damn much. I know I do.

- D

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